Friday, September 16, 2016

Explore Ahmes 2/n table RMP and Akhmin n/17 table with 'Proper Fractions'

This summer, by accident I developed the 'Proper Fractions' app. (Pr.Fr. Amazon)

I was developing a new version of the 'Equivalent Fractions' But the development has been stopped for unknown reasons.
This left on my hands a circle, a square and a number line of fractions, all of them interactive.

Surprisingly for me, it proved to be very useful for exploring in unit fractions.
One issue that concerned me since I developed "Old Egyptian Fractions" for Mathcats.
I decided to do some videos to show it. It is a collection in a YouTube Playlist:

The main videos in the list:
"Explore The Ahmes 2/p table of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus": 

Explore the Akhmim n/17 Table:

Proper Fractions It is a tool that can be useful in solving problems of Egyptian fractions:
Like the MathCats game:

More on Egyptian Fractions:
Milo Gardner:
Egyptian Unit Fractions:

I have only to add as a thank you: 
All this would not have been possible without the help and support of: +Milo Gardner (cryptanalyst)

Registered in MathTools (MathForum) 

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